The Superior Free-range chicken for Egg and Meat, Superior Pekin ducks for Filipinos"
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Free-range Chicken; The Vietnam way!
An enriching experience to see our fellow ASEAN brothers in free-range chicken production. An exchange of ideas and technologies was very productive. As seen in the middle picture, 2 farmers Mr.Nguyen and Mr. Thran, Miss Diem (vet/translator), Mr. Tom Weaver of Asvelis, Thailand, Mr. Milan Tyller Owner of Dominant CZ and the Author.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Barred Plymouth Rock selection of Superior F1 Certified Free-range layers
These are Barred Plymouth rock based line for layer production. They actually remind me of Zebras.
Please find below the specifications of the Final Hybrid F1.
Livability 95 - 97%
Body weight at 18 weeks - females 1,50 kg
Feed consumption to 18 weeks per 1 females 6,30 kg
Body weight at 18 weeks - males 2,10 kg
Feed constumption to 18 weeks per 1 male 6,80 kg
Livability 93 - 96 %
Laying performance in 23rd life-week 50%
Top of the laying performance at 29 - 30 week 92%
Number of eggs (hen housed) 298
Number of eggs (hen day production) 306
Average egg-weight 62,5 g
Total Egg Mass for laying period 19,1 kg
Feed intake per hen a day 122 g
Feed intake during the period per individual 45 kg
Feed intake per egg 151 g
Feed intake per1 kg of eggs 2,35 kg
Weight of hen at the end of the period 2,15 kg
Colour of the egg shell brown
Temperament quiet
Thursday, March 18, 2010
ILDEX Vietnam on March 25-27, 2010
I had the honor to be invited to a Free-range conference in ILDEX Vietnam next week. It is our opportunity as Filipinos to show our crafts and skill to our fellow Asian brothers on how we do free-range farming here in the Philippines. Our Asian brothers have high regards to how we develop free-range farming in the Philippines. An exchange of ideas and technology will surely benefit both countries.
I will be posting pictures next week. This is also a good chance for us to learn their farming.
Less in-feed antibiotics used in the Philippines from World Poultry News
//16 Mar 2010
The usage of antibiotics in animal feed in the Philippines declined sharply last year as the country moved to stop the use of various drugs that could cause health problems for consumers, the government said.
The National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service (NVRQS) said total use of antibiotics such as Tetracyclines and Neomycin reached to 998 tonnes, a drop of 18% from 1,211 tonnes tallied for 2008. It said compared to 2001, when 1,595 tonnes of antibiotics were used in feed, there was a 37% drop in volume.
"The decline reflects efforts carried out from 2005 to cut back on antibiotics that can cause dangerous tolerance reactions in humans," a NVRQS official said. He said the decline in use of drugs were pronounced in cattle feed that fell 36% on-year, while numbers for pigs and chickens declined 17-20% from the year before.
The quarantine service under the farm ministry said it will continue to monitor antibiotic dosages in feed and carry out research that can help reduce drug use down the road.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Our Selection of Light Sussex Breeders
These birds are very majestic when you see them. The production of the Final Hybrid of Light Sussex layers will be coming from the eggs of these breeders.
Livability.............................................................................95 - 97%
Body weight at 18 weeks -........................................females 1,50 kg
Feed consumption to 18 weeks per 1 females...................... 6,30 kg
Body weight at 18 weeks -......................................... males 2,10 kg
Feed constumption to 18 weeks per 1 male.......................... 6,80 kg
Livability ...........................................................................93 - 96 %
Laying performance in 23rd life-week...................................... 50%
Top of the laying performance at 29 - 30 week......................... 91%
Number of eggs (hen housed) .................................................290
Number of eggs (hen day production)..................................... 299
Average egg-weight................................................................. 62,0 g
Total Egg Mass for laying period.............................................. 18,50kg
Feed intake per hen a day..........................................................122 g
Feed intake during the period per individual ..............................45 kg
Feed intake per egg................................................................. 155 g
Feed intake per1 kg of eggs.................................................... 2,43 kg
Weight of hen at the end of the period.................................... 2,15 kg
Colour of the egg shell............................................................ brown
Temperament.......................................................................... quiet
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Jail and £3 mln fine for egg conman
//15 Mar 2010
A company boss in the UK has been jailed for his part in a scam which saw supermarkets and customers buy battery eggs they believed were free-range or organic, reports Sky News.
More than 100 mln falsely labelled eggs were sold to stores across the country in an 18-month fraud, Worcester Crown Court heard.
Keith Owen, who admitted 3 charges under the Theft Act in relation to the fraud, was jailed for 3 years and ordered to repay £3 mln. Jailing Owen, Judge Toby Hooper QC said the defendant had abused the "well-intentioned" trust of the public.
Owen of Worcestershire pleaded guilty earlier this month to 3 charges of providing false information for accounting purposes to firms in the egg supply sector between June 2004 and May 2006.
The judge also ordered Owen to pay £250,000, and gave him 12 months to repay the £3 mln confiscation order - or face a further 6.5 years in prison.
Judge Hooper heard Owen was a middleman who sold battery and "industrial" eggs imported from France and Ireland to other suppliers, who were variously told that they were British, free-range, organic or even that they met the RSPCA's Freedom Food welfare standards.
Passing sentence, the judge said Owen's business, Heart of England Eggs Unlimited, had made very substantial profits at the expense of "real-life victims" who mistakenly believed they were buying "premium" eggs.
The food fraud case was the largest ever brought by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, report state.
Commenting on the custodial sentence, Richard Jones of Defra said: "I think it sends a strong message to anyone in the industry.
Source: Sky News
Friday, March 12, 2010
Maggie (my 5 year old daughter) took good pictures again!
I really think that my youngest daughter has a good eye for photography. The topmost picture was taken by my wife Cristina, In the picture, is Maggie on the foreground, from L-R, the author, Dr. Danny Milla, M.D. (owner of Reina Helena Farms), Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Uychaco Visitors from Commonwealth Q.C, interested in putting-up a small free-range farm.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Don’t forget eggs! //08 Mar 2010
Author: Wiebe van der Sluis
We all know for long that egg white is a nutritious and healthy protein source. Eggs are good for young and old, active and passive people. Some people still believe that eggs are causing high blood cholesterol levels in humans. Research has proven over and over that this is a myth.
Those who still believe this false declaration should be advised to not eat eggs so they can quickly forget why they should not eat eggs. The chance of forgetting this is bigger when staying away from eggs than eating eggs. On the other hand it would be good for them to eat eggs so they can better remember why eating eggs is good for their health.
The reason is to be found in a recent discovery by DSM. Researchers of the globally operating company discovered that certain a protein present in the egg white really supports specific brain functions, including memory. The protein, particularly when it comes to the essential amino acids Tryptophan and Tyrosin, is used in the body as building blocks for signaling molecules that play an important role in brain processes such as mood, sleep, stress, concentration, alertness and cognition.
The discovery of these amino acids prompted DSM to investigate whether the protein could be developed into a functional food ingredient, improving brain health. Indeed, this seems to be the case! The ingredient seems to also have a positive effect on mood, hand-eye coordination, Vigilance, and sleep. It is not ready available on the market yet, but the ingredient is in its last phase of product development and is tested in some human studies to fine-tune its conditions for use.
Would it be great for the egg industry to again be the prime provider of a new functional and very important human brain health ingredient?
Saturday, March 6, 2010
PCARRD messageboard information on free-range chicken production Q & A portion
What breed of chicken is suitable for the free range chicken growing? You have mentioned that after 60days the chicken is expected to weigh around 1.0kg or more. Would this weigh would also be achievable even growing our native chicken?
Just for clarification, it is very important that we understand the available types of free-range chickens.
There are 2 basic types namely:
1. The Free-range Broiler meat types - These birds are for meat production purpose. Which means they convert the feeds the eat to meat.
They grow at 1.7 to 1.8 kilos at 60 days, If well fed.
It is a wrong notion that the free-range chicken will grow with grasses alone. This will create a wrong impression to innocent farmers.
To Grow free-range chickens for meat, you need cereals like corn and vegetable protein like soya.
Please look at the picture below.
We have available free-range chicks for meat it is called SUPERIOR F1 free-range broiler chicks.
If you use these birds for egg production they will produce only around 140 eggs a year. They will eat more than produce eggs.
2. In contrast to Free-range layer types, The Superior F1 free-range layer types will produce more eggs than meat.
They produce 250 eggs a year and eats less than free-range broilers.
The bird's configuration or body conformation is elongated and with less meat.
At 90 days the birds are almost 1 kilo only. So you can harvest lesser meat but has more eggs produced.
Please see the picture below:
These SUPERIOR F1 Free-range Layer Chicks will be available by June 2010.
The breeders were imported from DOMINANT CZ The CZECH REPUBLIC, EUROPE
You are assured of the quality and good technical service from us.
Lastly we give you TRUE, HONEST and CERTIFIED chicks and we never mis-declare our products as Dual types or convertible types of chickens just to make a sale.
I hope that I have enlightened you regarding your inquiry.
Doc erwin
Friday, March 5, 2010
Arsenic compound in chicken affecting Americans 29 Jun 2009
Arsenic compound in chicken affecting Americans 29 Jun 2009
Most people in the US are unaware that the chicken they eat is laced with an arsenic compound known as roxarsone, reports the Washington Post.
In the US, most major poultry producers add roxarsone to their chicken feed. Inorganic arsenic is a Class A carcinogen that has been linked to heart disease, diabetes and declines in brain function, reports the Washington Post.
The poultry industry has been using the feed additive roxarsone -- purportedly to fight parasites and increase growth in chickens -- since the Food and Drug Administration approved it in 1944. Apparently the arsenic additive promotes the growth of blood vessels in chicken, which makes the meat appear pinker and more attractive in its plastic wrap at the grocery store, but does little else. The arsenic additive does the same in human cells, fueling a growth process known as angiogenesis, a critical first step in many human diseases such as cancer.
The arsenic additive also presents health risks to farmers who work with the chemical or fertilizers. Chicken growers have reported illness from contact with roxarsone while preparing feed. Because most smaller growers rely on contracts with larger chicken producers that mandate the use of arsenic in chicken feed, the smaller growers are often unable to avoid the health risks associated with roxarsone.
In 1999, recognizing that any level of inorganic arsenic in human food and water is unacceptable, the EU outlawed its use in chicken feed. Reportedly, several American chicken producers, including Tyson Foods and Perdue Farms, have acted responsibly by discontinuing the use of roxarsone in their animals. Other growers have turned to "organically fed" chicken operations. Nevertheless, as recently as 2006, 70% of the more than 9 billion broiler chickens produced annually in the US were fed roxarsone, reports state.
Source: The Washington Post