Here are some pointers to a successful grow.
1. Read and study the free manual I provide via email. Just request for a copy by sending an email to
freerangepoultry@yahoo.com Very important to provide your contact numbers so I can validate your request.
2. Plan and Prepare / Prepare and Plan!
a. As much as possible use local / indeginuous materials for the housing and equipments
b. For Fencing (as seen in pictures) use second hand fish nets and bamboo or madre cacao as
c. Pawid or cogon are good roofing materials that are cheap and with good ventilation
d. Half bamboo can be used as feeder throughs
As much as possible we minimize commercial purchases of the farmers to reduce expenses
Even in medications we use herbal based medications that are available in gardens.
You can ask me for the instruction for this. As long as you are our loyal farmer
We dont exploit the innocent farmers to buy from us equipments and medications.
3. Set a space for your ranging area. never cramp the birds to minimize diseases
4. Start out small! Only purchase a start-up volume. Booking numbers are: 0928-5059272 or 0917-8041101
5. Be assured of a Legitimate Technical back-up. Just contact me at 0917-8951105. Im willing to help you and share you my knowledge.
6. Everybody will go thru a learning curve. be prepared for this but we are willing to support you to be successful.
7. Right tools for the right project!
For you to be successful in your free-range production, you need a reliable source of
HARDY, ROBUST and UNIFORM free-range chicks.
In free-range meat production a single color single genetic line is important to attain a
uniform meat quality. (seen in pictures). Multi-color chickens, in meat production,
produces variations in meat quality.
Choose only hardy chicks. Never get chicks that have poor immune system that suddenly
dies after you have invested feeds and management to it. Never get chicks that in spite of
your utmost care still gets sick and never responds to any treatment. You are just
contaminating your farm by seeding micro-organisms.
LASTLY, Enjoy the farming. Free-range farming must be an enjoyable and rewarding activity. Not a stressfull and money-pit situation