Dr. ERWIN CRUZ was invited to be the speaker of FREE seminars in Agrilink sponsored by the Pamora Farm, OPTA (Organic Producers Trade Association) and PAFPAI.
Please take note of the seminar schedule:
October 9, Thursday, 1P.M.
Overview: Free-range Chicken Production
Seminar Rm. B
Sponsor: Pamora Farm
October 9, Thursday, 3P.M.
Organic Agriculture Production and Market Linkages:
Free-range to Organic Chicken: The Steps We Need To Take
Seminar Rm. A
Sponsor: OPTA
October 11, Saturday, 1P.M.
Succesful Raising of Free-range Chicken for Food on the Table
and for Profit!: Technical Information, Proper Management
and Standardization
Seminar Rm. B
Sponsor: PAFPAI
We look forward to having you with us!
***We also wish to take this opportunity to invite you to the Poultry School organized by
The Philippine College of Poultry Practitioners on October 7 and 8, 8A.M. to 5P.M. at the Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria Hotel.
DR. ERWIN CRUZ is one of the lecturers and his topic is on
Market Viability of Other Poultry Farming Systems (Free-range Poultry Production).